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  • Writer's pictureSneha Sharma

Selfie: A paralyzing memory source


Let’s take a psychological selfie

Wait, what!!

How come selfie paralyze memories? The biggest sensation of the social world, a self-portrait type image so-called Selfie who captures candid moments of yours with the intention to post on social media. Isn’t it known for making memories rather paralyzing?

We all obsessed with selfie so do I. Most of us think, taking selfies might lasting memories of their visit. I don’t remember how much selfies I click and I have. We don’t even bother looking on all these. We use smartphones and external devices as memory repositories. In earlier times, people describe their picture of life by writing and narrating to another person; thereby people were more close to their memories and more alive to it. Nowadays, it’s more about seeking reassurance and making statements about ourselves- look where I am! how I am looking! see what I am doing ! sounds like reporting every second of yours to everyone and more like bragging about the things.

The act of photographing appears to enable people to dismiss the object from memory, thereby relying on the external device of the camera to remember for them (Sparrow et al. 2011). A Psychological Scientist Linda A. Henkel (2013) experiment showed that participants were less accurate in recognizing and remembering the details of the object they had photographed compared to they had only observed.

Selfie obsession turns out a critical impact on people's mental health which needs extra attention. A recent study published in Open Psychology Journal that excessive posting of selfies associated with an increase in narcissism. A narcissist would get angry if someone pointed out a small flaw because they can’t take criticism. Everyone is guilty of the occasional interruption; you’ll notice that a narcissist will often interrupt and quickly change the topic to themselves. Narcissist more frequently updates their status and selfies.

Digital memories distorted cognitive processes of the human brain and discouraging many people from interacting with them. The Selfie, one of the biggest sensation of social media bring on many psychiatric problems besides narcissism.

Now you may come to know how selfie goes so far!!

“Make most of your journey, not by taking a bunch of selfies but by giving close observation and enduring the things and having experiences that are worth remembering "

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